Certified Coach

Transform stress to success:
Balance ambition with inspiration

Empowering high-performing professionals and small business owners to reignite their passion, reconnect to their authentic selves, and restore work-play balance

Where are you out of sync?

Mental well-being

Do you feel drained by what you "should" be doing, constantly battling your inner critic?

Emotional well-being

Is stress taking its tool, leaving you struggling to set healthy boundaries at the expense of personal fulfilment?

Physical well-being

Have you been neglecting your physical needs, depriving yourself of the energy and vitality you deserve?

Spiritual well-being

Do you crave peace of mind, a sense of purpose and connectedness, yet find them out of reach?

Lead whole-heartedly: Harmonise your "being" with your "doing" for greater fulfilment.

Liberate You exists to empower professionals to transform their lives and careers. We believe that true success goes beyond professional achievements; it encompasses personal growth, well-being and living a life of purpose.

We’ve found that ambitious professionals often lose sight of the ‘why’ behind their goals, resulting in uninspired actions and fatigue.

With leadership starting from the inside out, our coaching and facilitation services empower individuals to tap into their inner wisdom, rediscover their passion and take inspired action.


Mental emotional physical growth and wellness wellbeing

Mental wellness

Clear our mental clutter to enhance confidence and clarity to cope with daily stressors 


Emotional wellness

Develop vulnerability, compassion and centredness to nurture meaningful connections 


Physical wellness

Recognise the need for – and prioritise – movement, nutrition and rest to re-vitalise the body


Spiritual wellness

Embrace imperfections, reconnect with your soul’s values and what brings you joy

In working together you will

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What my clients are saying

Kirsty's approach to coaching is not just about the performance and on the surface conversation, but takes all of my goals in life into account in helping me make the best decisions and adopt the best approaches.”
Isabella, MD - Consulting
Our experience working together came at the most pivotal and formative points of my career and Kirsty's insights have been invaluable to me. She has an incredible ability to pinpoint key areas that challenge you, and coax you to realise the solutions to your own challenges yourself.”
Claire, Financial Services