Networking: The power of your connections

From small talk to big insights: The power of networks

What differentiates high performing experts from the rest?

According to Expertunity, it’s not just technical prowess that defines the best in the field. In a Coach Team Meet, their 360 survey data revealed that the best experts excel in their ability to be proactive and to step outside their technical bubble to forge connections across departments and organisations.

Why is this important?

In today’s interconnected world, networking goes beyond socialising – it’s a catalyst for collaborations, innovation, and personal growth. It enables professionals to tap into diverse perspectives, share knowledge and stay ahead in their fields.

Fastlead, a dynamic leadership program, exemplifies the transformative power of networking. Through its small group coaching approach, leaders from diverse backgrounds come together to gain insights not only into leadership, but also into the broader organisational landscape. This collaborative approach encourages brainstorming, breaking down of silos, and alleviates the sense of isolation often experienced in leadership roles.

And for business owners, networking isn’t just a luxury – it’s a lifeline. Within business coaching groups, owners find a supportive ecosystem where they can share challenges and seek advice. Beyond speaking solely to the coach, these groups offer avenues for referrals and allow owners to tap into shared external resources like accountants and HR professionals.

As a coach, I’m also incredibly appreciative of the networking opportunities presented to me by partnering organisations. They provide a platform to exchange ideas and approaches, enabling coaches to enhance their skill set and fuel continuous learning.

So how can you expand your network?
  1. Recognise the benefits. Networking isn’t just exchanging business cards. It’s a dynamic force that fuels personal and professional growth.
  2. Prioritise quality over quantity. It doesn’t need to be daunting – focus on relevance and impact, rather than sheer numbers. Actively seek out diverse perspectives to offer fresh insights and innovative ideas.
  3. Redefine what “networking” means to you. Move beyond counting  “connections”, “friends” or “followers”. Build connections that transcend professional, geographic and hierarchical boundaries. Expand hearts and minds, and inspire success.
  4. Get creative. Whether it’s attending an industry event, joining professional associations, leveraging LinkedIn for targeted connections, or using introductions from mutual contacts, prioritise building and nurturing relationships over time.
  5. Give before you receive. Approach networking with a generous mindset. Share resources, offer support, and provide value to build trust and reciprocity.

Remember, at its core, leadership and business is about people. By fostering meaningful connections you can unlock new opportunities, drive engagement and foster customer loyalty. So, whether you’re a leader, expert, business owner or coach, embrace the power of connection.